Kate Update: Medicine, Mayo, and My Doctor

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Despite my dramatically improved health, I still have minutes, hours, and days when I feel positively dreadful. When I turn around in my chair at work I feel like I just road the teacups. When I get angry and my blood pressure goes up (in addition to the hardcore medicine I am already on that raises said blood pressure) I get disoriented. When I abruptly stand, I nearly faint. Every time.

So, when I am having a stressful day at work, and I turn away from my desk, stand up, and begin walking to the water fountain to refill what I lovingly refer to as my Ironman (bought it before the movie came out), you can imagine how I feel. My ears ring, my vision blurs, and I literally feel my heart pounding behind my eyes.

But after a minute I am back to normal.

And I thank my lucky stars for the family doctor who pushed me to go to Mayo, for Dr. General Hospital and the Mayo Clinic staff, and for family, friends, and coworkers who helped me when I felt awful all day, every day.

And some days, like today, I get to actually thank those people in person.

This evening, while at a sweet and hilarious dance recital, I ran into my family doctor of over a decade (the one who retired while I was away at Mayo). He is a wonderful man and my heart was happy to see him, to be able to say I feel wonderful, and to thank him. Because of his advice, my husband (and others who met me after I turned 12) are amazed at my energy, activity level, and organization. They’ve never known me to be like this, and are getting to know who I am, all over again.

I continue to be overwhelmed by the significance of this improvement in my health. And I will gladly deal accept the aforementioned “touch of the dizzies” as a daily (or so) reminder of what my life would be like without medicine, Mayo, and my doctor.

8 responses to “Kate Update: Medicine, Mayo, and My Doctor”

  1. I’m so happy for you, K8. You always seemed to have a lot of energy to me, so I’m sure that feeling as good as you do now, you’re unstoppable. Love you.

  2. That’s awesome, Kate!

    My husband is fond of saying, “I have my wife back – and I’ve never met her before!” Like your hubby, he met me after I was sick. Isn’t it awesome to know we’re truly loved “in sickness and in health” – with the sickness part already haven proven itself?

    I don’t know about you, but I am often also thankful for those times I still feel terrible too. The help me to remember that I’m not “cured”. I know that if I stop taking care of myself I will be right back to feeling awful all of the time. I guess Abba knows I need the not-so-subtle “slow down girl” messages!

    When I saw my fibro doc yesterday I “graduated” to seeing her “as needed” instead of every 4 weeks like I have been for the last 2 years. I’m off of 4 medications completely and we just cut the dosage of a 5th by a third. It’s so exciting!

  3. Congrats on your progress, even though you’re still having symptoms. I hope you will share whatever treatments are helping you with us all, so we can learn and ask our doctors about them and try them ourselves (if applicable).

    Please continue writing your blogs, regardless of your doubts. We want you to feel better and we would love to read about your progress.

  4. Good for you. It’s always great to hear that someone has found a treatment that actually WORKS for them! (You probably know me as kimmieCollas from twitter.)

    Friends, family, and a medical team that are actually supportive are a miraculous thing; and letting them know you appreciate them is the best way to keep them supportive – thank you for reminding me that I need to say thank you more often, and take them for granted less.

  5. That’s great! So glad you are generally feeling so much better!! 🙂

  6. I need advice…Will it help to go to mayo clinic..im so tired,dr sends me to another dr who does the same..ive been dealing with fibro for 11 yrs.In need someone to treat me as a whole each specialist treats theyre part.just lost a job that i loved. my spirit is broken,i dont have the strength to be my on advocate,it would be nice to have a group of drs that work together and come up with a plan of action for me.my insurance is paying 100% in or out of network.i have seen drs in the area where i live and drs up to 3 to 4 hrs away.thanks for your site this is my first time on a blog,(computers are not my thing).Im glad you are doing so much better,its nice to have good drs.

    1. Lisa, I am heartbroken to hear of your recent difficulties. If you have the opportunity and will not have to foot the bill, I would recommend Mayo Clinic. Granted, my visit to Mayo was for a specific heart condition that is the subject of extensive research done by Mayo Clinic doctors (including Dr. GH). I do not know if they specialize in fibromyalgia, or if they even acknowledge it exists, but if I were you I’d start doing my research (talk with your family doctor, get a referral if needed, select the best Mayo for your needs). The process of becoming a patient is fairly straightforward, and there is always someone willing to talk you through the paperwork and financial bits.

      Please let me know if you have additional questions. I am happy to help.

  7. lisa

    need information about going to a mayo clinic

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