The Fresh Face of Fibromyalgia

Living with fibro, prioritizing family, and pursuing functional fitness, all while having fun.

Living with Fibro

And POTS. And Arthritis. And Migraine.

Prioritizing Family

Loving. Listening. Learning.

Pursuing Functional Fitness

Physical. Emotional. Spiritual.

Good morning, and welcome to 2015.

By now you may have realized a notable deviation from my typical annual routine… no annual trip to Mayo Clinic.

Don’t worry. It’s nothing personal.

In fact, I’ve been on the phone with the Neurology department of the Phoenix Mayo Clinic at least once a week for the last few months. So, rest assured, that relationship remains strong and influential in my life. As much a blessing today as it was five years ago when I first stepped foot on their beautiful campus.

In full disclosure, for the first time since 2007, we didn’t even travel to Arizona to spend the Christmas with my in-laws.

Now, why on Earth would we deviate from two such long-standing, significant traditions?

Well, we’ve been working on a little something around these parts, and he’s due in eight days.


Daniel and I are expecting our first child. A little boy we’ve affectionately nicknamed Groot, whom we could be not be more excited to meet.

Hello There

I’m Kate.

I have fibromyalgia and I am grateful for it. (Yes, you read that right.)

While fighting fibro I am learning to find lessons in the little things and am getting to know myself better.

My Life with Fibro is my honest and personal, chronic illness blog that brings fibrofolks together and encourages them to learn from each other.