Is it just me? Fibromyalgia and (not) Getting Sick


Remember how I recently introduced my newest series, Is it just me? Well, I’m back with a second installment… (I know I haven’t yet published my follow-up to the clutter piece.  I’ll get around to it.  I promise.)

I am sick.  And although it’s annoying, it’s better than a fibro flare.  Hands down.  And really, I shouldn’t complain… In fact, it’s got me feeling super grateful.

I rarely get sick.  And by rarely I mean, I may get a mild cold once a year.  But really… even that is more like a runny nose.  So, I’m not sure this counts as a cold.  It seems to be a rather vague diagnosis anyway.  And it’s only really annoying when you’re trying to take a final and bending over your test in an attempt to focus only makes it more complicated to do anything but sniffle.  But, back to my point.

Do I just have like a hyperactive immune system, or is there some relationship between my fibromyalgia and my rarely getting sick?  Maybe it’s just to balance things out… since I fight fibromyalgia I’m given a bunch of sick-free years to keep it fair, or something?  What do you think?  Is it just me?

So fibrofolks, please tell me… do you rarely get sick? Or is it the opposite for you?  Do you feel you get sick more often than non fibrofolks?

21 responses to “Is it just me? Fibromyalgia and (not) Getting Sick”

  1. No its not just you in fact I read somewhere not sure no where that not getting the common bug’s that most get as often as they do is common amongst Fibro folk ..Like I said not sure where I read it just one of those things that stick in my head for moments like this. I also am glad when I actually get sick! For one thing I sleep really good! second regular fever reducers like Ibp or Tylenol work for once!

  2. happdai

    Actually I rarely get sick! But now I need to knock on wood!

    I wanted to comment that I have been going to a therapist who does ‘Myofacial Release’ Have you or anyone tried this? Ive only gone 3 times so far and I think its working great! She gently works the tissues, she said its like peeling an onion, working through all the layers. Ive also been given some very gentle exercises, some associated with Yoga. Believe me, it works!
    Also DEEP BREATHING to cleanse. Never been a big believer in ‘ breathing’ and all that jazz, but I am amazed at how much my pain level decreases!

    Just thought I would throw that out there, see what your experiences are and if you had tried any of these methods.

  3. Irene:
    I second the bit about sleeping. I know it sounds counter-intuitive… stuffed up and sleeping well? But for me I get so exhausted by the end of the day (and not because of pain) that I am able to fall asleep hours earlier than I typically can. Also, good point about Tylenol and Ibp working for once. They normally do absolutely nothing for my pain…

    I have never heard of myofacial release. Sounds like a fascinating thing! Is it more gentle than massage? I love Yoga! In fact, I’ve been working on a post about it (and other exercises) recently. Your deep breathing plug hits home today… I had to do a breathing test today and by the end of it I was worn out, but all the deep breathing sure seemed to freshen my thoughts and wake me up mentally.

    Thank you both for your input!

  4. Rebecca

    Yes, I get sick all of the time. If I am not having a fibro-related issue, I have a cold or the flu or something.

    Also, myofascial (not myofacial) release is wonderful. I get it in conjunction with neuromuscular massage therapy. I wouldn’t be able to function without it.

  5. Citty

    You are not alone, i use to get sick all the time and now that i have read someone feeling that they don’t sick either…. i haven’t gotten sick in a couple years and everyone around me has had really bad colds…

  6. I almost never get sick and I tend to think that your own body is too busy fighting itself to concentrate on other germs. Strange concept, I know. Nice blog on the subject. I have had fibromyalgia symptoms for the last 25 years (I’m 41) and am getting ready to have a muscle biopsy to rule out other disease processes. The labs have all been negative for lupus and such. I would give almost anything to feel rested and not be in pain. I’m so used to it though. I guess a person sublimates it after a while. Thanks for letting me vent. You see, health care providers aren’t supposed to have problems of their own.

    1. Hi,
      I’ve had FM for 32 years and I’ve always been intrigued by the fact that I rarely if ever catch colds or get the flu while others do on and off all winter. I tend to agree that our Killer T Cells are working overtime (for better or for worse) killing both the good and the bad.
      Interestingly I have a bit of a cold today. First time in 11 years! But I changed my diet recently and have been overworking. So extreme stress can make those of us that seem less vulnerable to “extras” a bit more sensitive. I know many other folks with FM who also say they rarely get flues or colds (I never get flu shots). So clearly there’s lots of variation with an illness not yet explained that compromises our lives but doesn’t seem to inspire enough research to figure out what’s happening.

  7. I disagree and actually get sick a LOT… so much more than I did before Fibro. I’ve read several book pieces that point to a link between Fibro and a decreased immune system, so you can’t fight other things as you normally would.

    I’m totally jealous that you rarely get sick. I feel like between Fibro and all the symptoms and getting sick, I’m also 100% miserable. 🙁 Grrrr.

  8. nevecraig

    I feel the same as Rochelle. Although, I’m at the point that I’m not really sure if my getting sick is really getting sick or if it’s that I’m getting a flare-up. Normally, I get sick and get a flare-up immediately afterward.

    Also, I believe that my problem is that no matter what I do, I rarely feel rested and I believe that I get sick because I’m so run-down. I envy those of you who don’t get sick anymore! That’s fantastic. Wish that I was in your shoes!

  9. Hi K8!

    I rarely get sick as in flus and colds. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I had either. Recently my whole family got a terrible flu and I didn’t.

    I suspect it’s due to the fact that Fibro (allegedly) speeds up the immune system.

    Best, Lyle

  10. Raven

    I’ve found that I’m rarely sure if I’m sick or not between my allergies, asthma and fibro unless it’s something really bad like pneumonia and even then I could only tell because I was wheezing and exhausted from sitting up. I kind of think I don’t actually get sick though.

  11. Miranda

    I am ALWAYS sick! It’s literally one thing after another. I’m so sick of being sick! I have had approx 10 surgeries for different illnesses in the last 5 years. I get over one thing and finally get to feeling better then I’m blindsided by something else. So I’m constantly having a fibro flareup. My husband gets so frustrated when I start complaining of feeling sick that he’s like “What’s wrong with you now?”. That doesn’t make me feel any better either. But I kinda understand why he feels that way, cuz believe me, I’m beyond frustrated!

  12. Fauna

    I was diagnosed with FMS years ago. Your comment on being sick got me thinking. I am rarely sick with colds, flu or “what’s going around” illnesses. I have developed odd conditions such as erythema nodosum and a Bakers cyst. I have osteo-arthritis and it seems like my ills are often inflammatory reactions that tend to be lumped as “autoimmune responses” vs those caused by recognized infectious agents.
    Most of the time I am in pain and tired but you make a good point about being sick. I like your attitude.

  13. […] remember how way back when I wrote about how rarely I get sick?  Well, I think karma’s showing it’s friendly […]

  14. nicole

    I too rarely get sick. I will not get a flu shot because I don’t want to do anything that may actually cause me to get sick. I do not get colds that often. I can go all winter and not get a single stuffy nose. I often wondered about this myself. I will on occasion get a sinus headache and that usually occurs in the spring but other than that I am a rather fortunate where getting sick is concerned.

  15. Kim M.

    I never get colds or flu bugs and I have two kids bringing everything home. My entire family had the H1N1 flu this year and I didn’t even get a sore throat. I should have because I was sharing drinks & food with them. Maybe you’re right. I’m trading having fibro for not getting ill.

    I’ve mentioned my lack of illness to every doctor I see and they don’t think anything of it. I do get occasional swollen glands and fevers, but they go away quickly and don’t result in an infection. Docs don’t care about that fact either.

  16. That’s so odd to me, I am always fighting off something. Currently I have a cold.

    Last year in a 1 month span I had the flu, asthmatic bronchitis and then a really bad case of H1N1.

  17. I just found your blog! Loved reading it but sorry for the fibro. You’re right about one thing………getting sick is far better than a flare ANY DAY.

  18. Kel

    I disagree…I am always sick. And when I get a cold it’s so severe it knocks me out for a week. This year alone I’ve had 3 severe colds and have used up all of my sick leave for the year. Seems every germ that comes by invades me and makes me miserable. I’m new to this Fibro thing…just diagnosed in Sept. 2011. I’m still trying to figure out how to live with it. My mom has had Fibro for almost 20 years…I don’t know how she does it. But she’s always fighting a cold too it seems. I’m contemplating wearing a surgical mask to work everyday because my bosses are constantly coming in sick with whatever their kids have given them. They then pass it onto me and then get mad when I’m out sick. It’s very frustrating. Nobody seems to understand the fibro unless they have it.


    Hi Kate, I have Fibromyalgia…I seem to get ill alot, with infections and viruses, Asthma flare~ups and such…It has got so bad that It makes me afraid of being near anyone who has a cough or sneeze…I am totally fed~up with on~going effects of this horrible disability…I do~not use the word “Disability” lightly…As having Fibromyalgia, has greatly changed my life in many ways…Regarding, my mobility, fatigue, lack of strength…Leaving me unable to work,or go to college or voluntary work..Interacting with family and friends can leave me totally exhusted for days, which has a domino~effect of leaving me alone and feeling isolated….Do any other Fibro/sufferers, have any of these symptoms ??? JEANNIE XX

  20. Carolanne

    I get sick more or maybe the same as before Fibro. The biggest issue I now face is figuring out if pain is from my Fibro or from something serious. It freaks me out that I’m going to ignore something important because I believe it is a Fibro flare.

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