Fibromyalgia and Freedom

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Today the building I work in, and teams from a few nearby buildings, had a giant kickball tournament at the local park. We used nine baseball diamonds. There were 26 teams. It was a surprisingly big deal. The event was originally planned for last Friday… When I was away at a family reunion. So I did not sign up to play on our team. But since the event was moved to today I was able to attend and support by team. The weather was perfect. The seats were in the shade. I loved it.
When you talk about team building activities it is often difficult to avoid sounding cheesy, but the results are always impressive. I had the chance to visit with people I hadn’t seen in years. I got to know new people. And I caught up with people I missed while I was on leave this spring/summer getting over my flare.
My team went undefeated. Five wins. And then we called it a day. At 3:40. Our work day ends at 5:30. I feel as though someone gave me a blank check. Or a new car. And I can go anywhere and do anything for these found 110 minutes.
And what have I decided to do? Be practical and head to Sam’s Club. I have a bridal shower gift to buy. And I think I will take a pizza to Dan’s recording studio kids over at the school. It’s coffee house night and they are recording.

Now that I have rambled my through the entry… To my point:

With fibromyalgia freedom is a two way street. You can waste your time with self pity and what ifs. Or you can be wise and thrive by creating an hour, a day, a week, a job, a room, a degree, a anything that works for you. I pray you pick the latter. I worry that too many fibrofolks use fibromyalgia as an excuse for laziness. The most selfish and disgusting of traits. I am proud of those fibrofolks I hear from who are optimistic and determined to be better because of their fight with fibro.

Be wise with your freedom. I firmly believe wasting time is a tragedy. There are enough unfortunate things that are required of citizens in this modern world, we can’t afford to misuse the time we get to fill for ourselves.

Keep your fists up and fight your fibro!

What is your favorite way to spend a found 110 minutes?

2 responses to “Fibromyalgia and Freedom”

  1. I like to spend extra time doing anything that I don’t normally get a chance to do. If I am feeling less pain, I go shopping. If I am feeling more pain, I read and take a long bath and give myself a pedicure, something to make me feel better about myself.

  2. Pedicures are big on my list too. I am always surprised by how relaxing such a simple thing can be.

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