
I’m Kate Blaylock. Technically, I have four names, but I go by two around here. You know, because we’re friends and all. I drink inordinate amounts of water and eat way too much salt (doctor’s orders, honest). I am allergic to bell peppers, preserved meats, and down. I like planning (and executing) family vacations, developing new skills, and dining out with my sweetie. And, sometimes I clap while watching TV.

Oh, and I think in the shower… just like my mom.

I am married to my best friend, Daniel… who I sometimes call Sherlock.  He’s a handsome graduate student who teaches high school, manages technology, and plays the drums would play the drums if we ever bought a ladder to get him to the room in which his drums reside.  (It’s a strange place.  Believe me.)

Daniel and I have two pupsequeaks, an ever-expanding expansive collection of books, and a house we adore.

Why My Life with Fibro?

I have fibromyalgia and I am grateful for it. (Yes, you read that right.)

While fighting fibro I am learning to find lessons in the little things and am getting to know myself better.

My Life with Fibro is my honest and personal, chronic illness blog that brings fibrofolks together and encourages them to learn from each other.

In addition to my Fibromyalgia, I also have POTS, Osteoarthritis, IBS, CFS, and SVT. And, though my condition varies frequently, I am humbled by, and grateful for the lessons I learn through, my invisible illnesses.