Per my chiropractor’s advice, I went to visit a medical doctor Friday morning… except mine was out until today, so I saw the nurse practitioner. Long story short, she thinks I’ve rapidly developed scoliosis. And she thinks this rapid change in my lower back is causing my mid-to-upper back to pull to the right. Or something like that. She says it’s hereditary (even though none of my family has it). And she says nothing can be done (even though she recommended two treatments).
The first treatment is one my chiropractor recommended nearly a decade ago, for another ailment with similar symptoms. It’s herbal, helpful and heavenly in its effectiveness. But I’ll talk more about it in a later post.
The second treatment is the Flector Patch. And it seems to be working. Best I can tell, and based on what she explained, it’s an anti-inflammatory patch for injuries, sprains, gnarly bruises, and the like. It’s super sticky on one side, fuzzy on the other, and about 4″x6″. You simply put it over the inflamed (or, in this case super-painful) area and it works its magic. You wear the patch for 12 hours, then take if off for 12 hours, and so on.
The first day I didn’t notice a significant impact… Jenni Prokopy, the Founder and Editrix of ChronicBabe, had a similar experience. I did, however, notice it felt kinda warm and a bit tingly. The second day I felt more flexible and less stiff in my mid back. Initially I thought this may have happened anyway, that perhaps my back had decided to get better. But, during the 12 hours between wearing the patch I notice my back grows more stiff and the pain increases. So I know the patch is providing relief. Today was the third day, and I am officially a fan of the Flector Patch. It is convenient and side-effect-free (thus far), but I am worried about the cost. The nurse practitioner provided me with over a week’s worth of samples, and each came with a $30 off coupon. Apparently these suckers are pricey. But I’ve learned, and continue to learn, no price is too high for mobility. And I continue to be grateful for my HSA.
Stay tuned. I will let you know what my final verdict is regarding the Flector Patch. As for Jenni, she said short-term use of the patch solved a tricky pain issue. I hope my experience is as effective as hers. And I pray the Flector Patch improves my condition quick enough to prevent a fibromyalgia flare.
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