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I have been awfully inconsistent, of late.  Working my way back to nearly-full-time at work has demanded nearly all of my energy and planning activities for the ladies in my congregation has used much of my time (I love it!).  Somewhere between the two I have neglected My Life with Fibro, as well as various other endeavors.  That changes now.

After a conversation with Danny and my parents last night, I feel rejuvenated and determined to tend to my blog as I tend to my other responsibilities.  So, over the next few days I will begin my new posting plan… which consists of posting nearly every day.  Just wait!  You’ll love it.  And, I will be reaching out to y’all for input, guest posts, great finds, and more.

Thank you for your wonderful support, for the questions you ask, and for fighting the good fight to stay positive despite having a frustrating (often immobilizing) invisible illness.  If we can fight fibromyalgia, we truly can do anything.


I’m Joshua Barnes, a freelancer illustrator and writer

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