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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing.

Kate is spent.

She is enjoying the Christmas season immensely.

She is having a rough month.

She is smart enough to know the previous two statements can both be true.

She is fighting brain aches, and dizziness, and for control of her appendages.

She is waiting to go to Mayo.  (And is quite sad she didn’t get in today.)

She enjoyed her fourth anniversary with her sweetie, and his family.

She is ready to enjoy sleeping, but she had to reach out to you first.

She feels like she has nothing to write.

Like you’ve heard it all before.

Like she can’t explain how she feels or all that’s happened.

Like it’s not worth the energy to talk, type, or tell the truth.

Like it’s easier to “tell the truth in advance,” than it is to tell the truth.

Like, maybe, if she pretended to feel fine, she would.

Like, maybe, she owes you an apology for leaving you in the dark for so long.

(Please accept her sincere apology for said shortfall.)

Look for a non-third-person update soon.


I’m Joshua Barnes, a freelancer illustrator and writer

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